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Computer Generation

The development of computer has been very rapid in the last 60 years. The development has
been in five distinct stages and each stage is called as generation. There are totally fivecomputer generations.
  the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. Nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system.

types of computer generation :-

1. First generation :-The First generation started from 1946 with ENIAC. It was the first fully automatic electronic
computer. It was constructed at the Moore school of engineering of the university of
Pennsylvania (USA) by a design team led by professor J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
The main component of this generation was vacuum tubes.In the ENIAC used 18000 vacuum

1. Vacuum tubes ware the only electronic component available.
2. These computers were the fastest calculating devices of that time.
3. Vacuum tubes technology made possible the advent of electronic digital computer.


1. Too bulky in size
2. Unreliable.
3. Air condition required.
4. Constant maintenance

2. Second Generation-The second generation started form 1955 with the use of transistor. The main component of
this generation was Transistors. The transistor was invented in 1947. The second generation
emerged with transistors being the brain of computer.
Another major event during this period the invention of magnetic disk for storage data and
developed high-level language like FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL etc.
Eg :- PDP –8, PDP-11, IBM –1401.

1. Smaller.
2. More reliable.
3. Less heat generated.
4. Better portability.


1. Air condition required.
2. Frequent Maintenance.
3. Manual Assembly.
4. Commercial production was difficult.

3. Third Generation:- Third generation emerged with the invention of IC (Integrated Chips). This led to the emergence of extremely powerful computers. The integrated circuit also known as semiconductor chips consisted of transistors, resistors and capacitors mounted on a single
chip of silicon eliminating wired inter connection between components.
System 360 was the major invention by IBM in this generation.

1. Highly reduce in size.
2. Less heat generated.
3. It becomes portable.
4. Used in commercial application and home purpose.
1. Highly suffocated technology is used to construct the main component.

2. Air condition required in many cases.

4. Fourth Generation:- The main component of fourth generation compute is microprocessor. Microprocessor arrived in 1970 by Dr. Ted Half of Intel corporation (USA). The Microprocessor it self-packing about
million transistors and performing arithmetically and logically operation very quickly. These computers are very reliable and heat generated negligible.

1. Highly reduce in size
2. Less heat generated
3. It becomes portable
4. Used in commercial application and home purpose
1. Highly technology is used

2. It is not assembled manually

5. Fifth Generation:-The Fifth Generations computer will be able to think and make decision. It will able to think and make decision. It will be based on ultra large-scale integration. This system will have tremendous processing power and speed. The computer will support a high degree
artificial intelligence by which they will be able to think and learn on their own.


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