1. SPEED :- Computer is very fast calculating device. It can execute basic operations like substraction,addition,multiplication and division at a few microseconds. It can move and copy data at a speed in the order of billion instruction per second. 2. ACCURACY :- Computer always gives accurate results. The accuracy of Computer does not go down when they are used continuously for hours together. It always gives accurate results. 3. STORAGE CAPACITY :- Computer have a very large storage capacity. A large volume of information can be stored in the memory of computer and information can be retrieved correctly when desired. 4. VERSATILITY:- The working of computer with different types of data is known as versatillity. That means computer can perform different types of job efficiently. Computer can works with differents type of data and informa...
Operating System: - An operating system is a system software which is used to operate a computer its work as an interface between user and machine it’s may enabled to computer hardware. In other word we can say that “ An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs . ” An O perating System or OS is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software . Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless Some popular Operating Systems include UNIX Linux, Windows,ANDROIDetc. Types of Operarting system:- Single user Single Tasking Single user Multitasking Multiuser Multitasking